Understanding the Anatomy of a Diamond


Whilst each diamond that you view is a unique stone, it also shares specific structural features. A diamond’s anatomy determines its brilliance, dispersion, proportions, and scintillation. Each part of a diamond has a defined name and all contribute to the overall characteristic of the stone.

Diamond Components

A diamond is made up of eight primary components. These components include the diameter, crown, table, table spread, pavilion, girdle, depth, and cutlet. The diameter of the stone is the width of the gem measured from edge to edge. The crown covers the top portion of a diamond spanning from the table to the girdle. Therefore, the crown is also comprised of crown mains (also known as bezel facets), star facets, a table facet, and upper halves (also known as upper girdle facets).

The table of a diamond is the biggest polished facet situated on top of the stone. The girdle, on the other hand, is the widest edge of the gem where the crown and pavilion come together. The pavilion is the bottom part of the diamond which extends from the girdle to the cutlet.

Where to Expand Your Knowledge of Diamonds

The depth comprises the entire height of a diamond, measured from the table of the stone to the cutlet. The small facet at the bottom of a diamond is known as the cutlet. Before you purchase a diamond, make sure you have a basic comprehension of the stone’s anatomy. This will permit you to better appreciate the diamonds you purchase and their intricacies. To learn more about diamonds, you can refer to such sites as http://yourdiamondguru.com/reviews/james-allen/.

Once you have a basic understanding of a diamond’s structure, you will undoubtedly want to make a number of enquiries. For example, you may want to know further about the cut. The biggest factor in the determining quality is a diamond’s cut or shape. However, be advised that round diamonds maximise the return of light, which makes them appear to be more brilliant and therefore of a higher quality.

The Four Cs

The four Cs that people reference when buying a diamond include the carat, cut, clarity, and colour. Carat is just another term for the weight. Therefore, a one carat ring will be heavier and bigger than the same type of jewellery with a 0.5 carat weight. In actual terms, a one carat diamond, which weighs about the same as a paper clip, is considered to be an ideal size.

Cut, as described, refers to a diamond’s shape. Cut gives a diamond its fire and sparkle. Clarity, on the other hand, refers to how a diamond looks when magnified. This method is used to determine what inclusions or flaws are exhibited in the stone.

Colour does not actually refer to a diamond’s hue. It references the stone’s lack of colour. Diamonds are categorised between D and F, with D being the purest classification.

One Final Note About a Diamond’s Setting

Setting is important too. Matching the stone to the right setting will determine how the stone catches the light.

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